Apoyo Campesino

Apoyo Campesino

Apoyo Campesino supports affordable housing for all migrant farmworkers, the most vulnerable of all workers in California.  It also supports abrogation of the 50-mile rule, a California Department of Housing and Community Development regulation that currently requires residents of State-sponsored migrant housing centers to move at least 50 miles away in the off-season (i.e., November to May). This regulation forces migrant farmworkers' children to change schools multiple times during the school year, thereby disrupting their education and contributing to academic failure and the persistent cycle of poverty that their parents sought to avoid by living and working in the United States. According to our research, neither the federal government nor any other state imposes a specific moving-distance requirement in defining a migrant worker. To join in this effort contact Julie Solomon at jsolomon94022@yahoo.com.

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Build Democracy End Corporate Rule

Build Democracy End Corporate Rule

Move To  Amend (MTA) is a national movement to pass a 28th Constitutional Amendment so that only human beings, not corpora-tions, are endowed with constitutional rights and that money is not equivalent to free speech.  The local ballot initiative will send a strong message from Silicon Valley that our democracy and our economy exist for We the People.  In addition to an advisory vote on the 28th Amendment, the local ordinance will establish an annual Democracy Day to engage local residents in dialogue and action around the issues of money as speech and corporate constitutional rights.

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