Cuba Emulation Tour 2023

Coming in March: Reflections from Dave Zink on Emulation Tour to Cuba Dave Zink, long-term activist from the State of Washington, will provide reflections on the January Emulation Tour to Cuba. The trip included visits to 8 worker-owned cooperatives, the new small business MODEL, the internationally acclaimed School of Medicine,  artist Jose Fuster and Fusterlandia, an elementary school, and presentations on the economy, the electoral system, the new Constitution, the environment, and the thought of leaders of the Cuban Revolution.

Human Agenda: Topic of International Symposium on Cooperatives International Conference Featuring Human Agenda Will Take Place in Havana June 27 to 30 Professor Cruz, a renowned economist at the University of Havana and intellectual supporter of worker-owned cooperatives, was a panelist on “The Economy of Cuba” during Human Agenda’s Sixth Emulation Tour to Cuba in January 2023. International speakers addressing the immense value of worker-owned cooperatives will be present from Europe, South America, the Caribbean, Central America, and North America. On its last Emulation Tour to Cuba, Human Agenda promoted its human needs-based vision The vision and values were well received by leaders of worker-owned cooperatives, the Ministry of Higher Education, and other actors in Cuba.


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